This world goes round and round so fast. By the time we get used to something nowadays on sites like YouTube, THERE'S ALWAYS SOME SORT OF CHANGE OR NEW FEATURE OR REDESIGN!!!!! Just start with ONE THING and add some change like maybe next year or three years after. Don't make changes every single day unless it's a blog post or a news entry. A good example would be FarmVille. It's like, what, three years old? And already Zynga's added like a million more features and farms. (I know I'm exaggerating, but come on!; it may be that way when it celebrates 10 years, if there even will be for FarmVille.)

People need to at least keep some change off until the people are ready. Sure, there's a lot of people out there who love change, but I am not one of them. Honestly, keep your face off a computer or mobile device for, like, I dunno, an hour a day? Do something worthwhile, like watch TV or a movie or a poster or stalk someone. Live life! Stop doing a bunch of change for once in a while.

- Hunter Graham
The official YouTube channel for Intel, using the new "One channel layout". WTF?!!?

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